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    Monday, November 1, 2021

    Five Ways to Avoid Injury from Car Accidents

    Simply thinking about car accidents can send chills down your spine. In an instant, happily married people lose their spouses, parents lose their children, and lifelong partnerships and friendships come to a painful end. But are there ways to avoid death and injury from car accidents? You bet!

    Minimize Injury from Car Accidents

    According to the NHTSA, around 1.3 million people die worldwide in car crashes annually. It’s sad, frustrating, and even maddening to consider that all these accidents are preventable. And to make it worse, what causes them and how to prevent them is no mystery at all.

    To avoid fatalities, take the following preventive actions to avoid needing the services of a car accident law firm. Being proactive about your safety and the safety of others can empower you to be a better and safer driver. Keep reading to understand more on how to avoid injury from car accidents.

    1. Wear Your Seat Belt

    In many accidents, safety belts can literally be the difference between life and death. It is no wonder that this is the first item on this list to avoid injury from car accidents. Seat belts, according to statistics, can reduce the harm from car accidents by about half. There is no denying that that is a great improvement in the odds.

    Ensure your safety belt goes across the center of your chest and fastens low on your hip bones. Secure children and pets safely in car seats.

    2. Avoid Potential Projectiles

    Any unsecured object can become a projectile during an accident. These could be sports equipment, souvenirs from travel, or even your electronics. Such seemingly harmless things are dangerous at high speeds when flung across your car. Their impact upon hitting you or your passengers can be fatal . . . especially when they are flying at 60 miles per hour during a car crash. 

    Travel light and remove unnecessary items from your car every chance you get. And when traveling with such things is unavoidable, stow them in your trunk. Consider using a net or cargo cover to secure items in the back of minivans and SUVs. Pets can be potential projectiles, as well. 

    3. Buy the Safest Car You Can Afford

    These days, car manufacturers aim to make cars as safe as possible. New features are fast becoming a norm with improvements like lane-departure warning and automatic braking. Crash-test ratings are also returning better results. 

    While in the market for a car, pay close attention to safety. Investigate safety features and check official crash test ratings before buying your vehicle. After purchase, take note of the safety features like the position of your airbags and whether your car has ABS.

    4. Invest in Auto Survival Tools

    It would be helpful to always have a seat belt cutter and glass breaker handy in your car. These tools will come in handy in either of two scenarios: Your vehicle is bursting into flames, and if you drive your vehicle into a body of water. 

    You should prepare yourself to cut your seat belt or break your window to escape, if necessary. Time is of the essence, and the sooner you get out of such a situation, the better. You should also have a first aid kit available for emergencies.

    5. Aim for the Objects with the Least Damage Potential

    If a car accident is imminent, it would be best to aim for the bushes and not oncoming vehicles. Also, be mindful that trees and stationary objects pose a more significant threat. Additionally, try to avoid head-on collisions with other cars or immobile objects like concrete barriers. Hitting these could be detrimental.

    Stay Safe and Avoid Unnecessary Fatalities

    The sure-fire way to avoid injury from car accidents is to avoid getting into one in the first place. Additionally, the more aware you are of your surroundings and the actions of other drivers, the less likely it is that you will become involved in a crash. 

    However, no car accident is 100 percent preventable. If you’ve been hurt in one, be sure to contact a car accident law firm right away.

    Image Credit: Photo by Dominika Kwiatkowska from Pexels

    source https://nrinews24x7.com/five-ways-to-avoid-injury-from-car-accidents/
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