You may have been seeing a lot about climate change in the news lately. This is because it is an ever-growing concern among scientists and has only gotten worse over the last few years. With temperatures reaching record highs in many parts of the world, this is something that affects everyone. Many different types of animal species are at risk of becoming endangered or extinct, and certain areas may even become uninhabitable for humans in the very near future.
You are probably already starting to notice the effects of climate change yourself. Many people have been reporting that they’ve had to call an air conditioner repair service much more often than usual because their air conditioners aren’t able to keep up with the new levels of heat. But don’t let this get you down – there are ways we can combat climate change if we all work together. Here are 4 ways you can help.
Use Less Gas
Use less gasoline by making sure your tires are always properly inflated (this keeps your gas mileage at its highest) and by carpooling whenever possible. Every single gallon of gasoline saved makes a huge difference in terms of climate change. It’s all about keeping carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere as much as possible.
Use Less Hot Water
Using less hot water at home is another thing that will help save hundreds of pounds of carbon dioxide per year. Not only does it cost a lot of money but it also takes an extremely large amount of energy to heat water. You can save hot water and help slow down climate change while taking fewer, shorter, and colder showers. Lowering the temperature of your showers will also help you stay cool in the heat, which you’ll be needing more and more often as climate change continues.
Recycle And Hold Others Accountable To Do The Same
It’s been burned into most of our heads since we were children that we should be recycling anything that is recyclable, but still millions of pounds of recyclable papers and plastic end up in landfills each year. It is important that everyone recycles at home but also that large corporations do their part. If you find out that a business is not recycling, call them out, spread the word, and refuse to stop supporting them unless they start recycling.
Plant Trees And Avoid Cutting Them Down
Planting trees is an excellent way to really do your part in slowing down climate change. Every tree will absorb such a large amount of carbon dioxide over its lifetime that it is very harmful to cut them down. Keep trees on your property whenever possible and save paper whenever you can. These things truly will make a difference over time.
Climate change is certainly a scary thing and can stress you out if you aren’t careful. But remember that you aren’t completely helpless and there are actually many things you can do to help! Just start with these 4 tips.
Image Credits: Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels
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