PUNE: The Kalyani School has recently been acknowledged for its environment-friendly activities, and was crowned with the prestigious Green Campus Award. The students are constantly encouraged to keep the classrooms, campus, and neighborhood clean. In order to extend this awareness and as a sequel to the Clean- up Drive of the canal in the previous week, the students of Grades VI, VII, and VIII participated in a rally on the 29th of April, to help spread the message that segregating waste and maintaining a clean environment is an absolute necessity of the hour. Along with their teachers, they marched through the Manjari Village, and with the help of the NGO -Janwani, they handed out pamphlets in the neighborhood, voicing slogans for a healthy, clean, and green city.
The language teachers helped the children to make the slogan boards communicate the messages. The housekeeping and management staff took care of the smooth running of the entire event. It was indeed a learning experience for all the participants, and will definitely make a positive difference to everyone concerned. The students and teachers learned a lot on their trip around the village and felt a sense of satisfaction at the end of it. They were greeted by the villagers, who responded enthusiastically and through this rally, were made aware of how to take care by segregating the waste materials and preserving the environment. The drive was headed by the Community service head of TKS, Ms. Irs Roa.
source https://nrinews24x7.com/kalyani-school-students-rally-for-a-clean-environment/
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