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    Wednesday, February 16, 2022

    3 Ways Your Business Can Save On Energy Usage

    Regardless of what your business is, be it a retail business or manufacturing, there are things you can do to help you save energy and cut costs. However, it is going to take some work on your part to make these things happen. So to help you get started with this, here are three ways your business can save on energy usage and, subsequently, cut costs, too.  

    Purchase The Right Business Equipment

    For all businesses, there is going to be some business equipment that you need to function. For some businesses, this type of equipment can be large and require a lot of energy. But for others, simple equipment might not be too much of a drain on your energy usage. Either way, purchasing the right equipment can make a big difference. 

    Ideally, you should try to always purchase business equipment that is ENERGY STAR rated and certified. With this certification, you can be certain that the energy usage that piece of equipment is using will be as minimal as possible. This will help you know that the equipment you’re using is efficient and isn’t causing you to waste a lot of energy just by running the machines or equipment you need. 

    Use LEDs For Lighting

    The lighting that you use in your commercial space can also make a big difference in how much energy you’re using. So if you haven’t updated or upgraded your lighting in the last few years, this might be something you want to look into. 

    With LED lights, you can save up to 50 percent on the money you’re spending to currently light your space. Along with this, if you put some of your lights on dimmers, you can additionally save money while your lights are on, as you can reduce the brightness and amount of energy your lights are using. And, if you remember to turn off any and all lights when you’re not using them, you can save even more on your energy usage. 

    Don’t Use Energy When You Don’t Have To

    Just as was mentioned above, turning things off when you’re not using them can help you save a ton of energy.

    While this can be a little more complicated for a business than it is for someone’s home, when your office or commercial space is no longer open, make it a priority to turn off anything and everything that doesn’t absolutely need to be on anymore. This includes extra lights, your heating or cooling system, and any business equipment that doesn’t have to be on after hours. 

    If you’re wanting to save on energy usage and energy costs as a business, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you see how this can be done for your organization. 

    source https://nrinews24x7.com/3-ways-your-business-can-save-on-energy-usage/
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