MUMBAI: Saifee Hospital, a renowned multi-specialty healthcare facility in association with the Rotary Club of Bombay (RCB) has organized a free cataract camp in Mumbai. Under the campaign, 100 free surgeries will take place for underprivileged patients over the next 4-6 months.
The candidates for the free surgeries will be decided on a first come first serve basis. Eligibility for the free surgery will be decided after ophthalmic examination and document screening by the hospital.
Speaking on the occasion Ms. Tasneem Fidvi, Assistant Director, Administration, Saifee Hospital said, “At Saifee, we strongly believe that selfless service to humanity starts with our patients. We have taken the lead in providing quality patient care in the most challenging circumstances. With this campaign, we hope to reach out to people who may not be financially capable to opt for such medical care. Our goal has always been to implement outreach programs by involving the community in health awareness”.
The surgeries will take place once all the investigations are completed. Weekly surgeries will be scheduled to ensure that the stipulated number of surgeries are carried out in time.
The camp aims to identify people with vision difficulties and provide prompt treatment to those who are on the verge of losing their vision. “Our focus is to reach out to the neediest so that they can avail of our services with minimum delay. These candidates need immediate intervention and surgery can significantly improve their quality of life. It may even impact their livelihoods,” said Rtn. Abuzar N. Zakir, President, Rotary Club of Bombay Mid Town.
Saifee hospital along with the Rotary Club of Bombay will cover all the mandatory investigations. These will include– CBC, Urine Routine, Pre-op Profile, FHS, PPBS, ECG, A-Scan, stay-in daycare ward, operation theatre, equipment charges, surgical material, lens, and food as prescribed by the dieticians. Patients in need of any assistance will be guided by representatives from the Saifee hospital and the RCB.
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