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    Wednesday, December 15, 2021

    Facts About Lifestyle Diseases And Holistic Healing

    Diseases linked with a person’s lifestyle are known as lifestyle diseases. They are non-communicable and are caused by lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating and drinking habits, smoking, alcohol consumption, to name a few. Globalization, urbanization, and digitalization are various external factors influencing lifestyle disorders.  

    A Close Look at Some Diseases Caused due to Unhealthy Lifestyles

    Few diseases caused due to unhealthy lifestyles are obesity, heart diseases, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, atherosclerosis, chronic liver disease, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic kidney failure, PCOD, depression, and autoimmune diseases. 

    Factors that Cause Lifestyle Diseases- An Overview 

    Although there an end number of factors that causes lifestyle diseases but some of the most common include, 

    1. Sedentary lifestyle – lack of physical activity, long hours of sitting at one place
    2. Improper diet- alcohol consumption, smoking, surplus sugar intake, excess use of dairy products, vegetable oils, meat, tobacco, preservatives, and added chemicals in food.
    3. Inadequate sleep – due to stress and long working hours.
    4. Lack of social support – due to urbanization and digitalization. 
    5. Improper posture- long hours of sitting.

    If one can modify the above risk factors, chances of a reversal of lifestyle diseases are very high. Besides, one can also avoid falling prey to such diseases. 

    Holistic Healing- Key to a Healthier You

    Modern medicine can manage these diseases most of the time, but they have their share of unwanted side effects. Lifestyle modification and holistic healing with natural remedies and treatments are the keys to restoring health by reversing these disease conditions. Holistic treatments treat the root cause of the disease and not the mere symptoms.

    An effective and emerging way to deal with this is with the help of alternative medical and holistic treatments like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Yoga, and Naturopathy. These treatments validate the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of an individual. Each of these holistic treatments cleanses the body from the inside out, helping to detoxify and rejuvenate the body. These systems of medicine consider the functioning of the human body as a whole. Any disease occurs due to an imbalance in harmony between body, mind, and spirit. The reversal of the disease is only possible by bringing back this harmony. 

    Yoga and meditation are also holistic and effective methods to disengage yourself from daily problems and stress. Holistic healing includes healthier lifestyle habits and creating awareness about preventive measures which can save us from many chronic diseases. 

    Choose the Holistic Way to Keep Lifestyle Disorders at Bay

    A complete holistic approach for the body, mind, and spirit can work wonders.


    • Consumption of whole, healthy, organic food.
    • Daily physical activity like yoga, walking, jogging etc.
    • Daily sunlight exposure.
    • Adequate sleep and water. 


    • Minimize negative thoughts.
    •  Heal emotional trauma by counseling, seeking help from an expert, meditation etc.
    • Avoid stress
    • Meditate daily
    • Explore your mind with new things.


    • Find your life purpose.
    • Connect with a higher purpose.                                                                   
    • Connect with nature.
    • Give more, expect less.
    • Explore enlightenment and awakening. 

    If everyone follows a holistic lifestyle for their body, mind, and spirit, they are likely to achieve optimum health and prevent chronic illnesses. In short, the best way to bid adieu to lifestyle diseases is to lead life the holistic way. Try it and feel the difference.  

    source https://nrinews24x7.com/facts-about-lifestyle-diseases-and-holistic-healing/
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