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    Thursday, June 24, 2021

    Artificial intelligence at the service of hospitality management

    A joint Certificate launched by Les Roches and aivancity Paris-Cachan

    NEW DELHI: Les Roches, the highly regarded hospitality business school recently ranked third in the world university ranking for employer reputation* and aivancity, the Grande École of Artificial Intelligence are launching together with the first Certificate in artificial intelligence (AI) applied to the Hospitality management.

    The hospitality sector is an extremely propitious terrain for the use of AI as it generates large masses of data, and these masses of data can in turn enable optimizing customer relations almost in real-time through Artificial intelligence. The Swiss-rooted Hospitality business school and aivancity have designed a program dealing with the challenges of massive data and AI in the hospitality management sector.

    Through this “Certificate in Artificial Intelligence” Les Roches and aivancity wants the minds of tomorrow to understand the language and part of the technicality of AI solutions, its sociological and ethical impacts as well as its business, managerial and organizational consequences.

    The 5 days program will feature expert faculty from aivancity and Les Roches as well as world-class industry experts and scientists. The program includes 2-days of sprint design focusing on imagining and prototyping an AI solution for the hospitality industry. The program will run as of the next intake in September 2021 and will be open in the first phase to Les Roches current students. This one-of-a-kind program is a first step in the two institutions’ collaboration.

    For Pierre Ihmle, Chief Academic Officer at Sommet Education: “The need in the Hospitality Industry to digitalize the service is strong. In any technological development, the notion of ethics is essential, the human being must remain at the core. aivancity was the perfect partner to develop this certificate because of their expertise on the subject of artificial Intelligence of course but also because of their high consciousness of the ethical impact of AI for our society.”
    Christine Demen-Meier, Managing Director Worldwide at Les Roches: “Innovation and technologies are the core of Les Roches’ very DNA. After the creation of a dedicated Master’s in Hospitality Strategy and Digital Transformation and the launch of Spark Innovation sphere; this certificate is another step forward to advance the integration of technology within our curriculums.”

    For Tawhid Chtioui, Founding President and Dean at aivancity Paris-Cachan “Artificial Intelligence has become one of the keys to success for any company that wishes to improve the whole of its business processes, from production to customer relations, in all activity sectors. Hospitality and Tourism sector is in that sense a huge territory of opportunity and exploration for AI.”

    source https://nrinews24x7.com/artificial-intelligence-at-the-service-of-hospitality-management/
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