Just as you’ll likely need help from someone at some point in your life, there will come a time when there are people in your life that will need your assistance, too. However, sometimes it’s easier to recognize when other people need help than it is to accept the fact that you need help.
This is a truth that many older adults have a hard time accepting. So if you’ve noticed that your elderly loved one is needing an extra hand but isn’t willing to see this themselves, here are three tips for caring for a loved one who’s reluctant to accept help.
Avoid The Common Mistakes When Talking About Health Issues
Having a conversation where you offer help that’s not been solicited can sometimes be awkward. So if you’re about to have this conversation with your aging loved one, it’s good to know what not to say just as much as you plan for what you will say.
According to Abby Norman, a contributor to Very Well Health, you’ll want to avoid getting too emotional or nagging your loved ones into letting you care for them. Also, try not to come into the conversation prepared to discuss the worst-case scenario when that’s not the current situation for your loved one. Just do your best not to guilt or coax your loved one into doing something they really don’t want. And also try not to use words that you know are triggering or will make them defensive.
Listen With The Intent To Understand
As you discuss with your loved ones how you’d like to help them, it’s important that you listen to their part of the conversation just as much as you prepare for what you’d like to say. If your loved one doesn’t feel like you’re listening to them or that you respect their feelings or wishes, DailyCaring.com shares that it can be very hard to make any ground. With this in mind, you should really try to understand what your loved one is saying and why they’re saying it.
Give Options For Your Assistance
In many instances, people are unwilling to accept help because they don’t want to be a burden to others. If you feel that this is the situation, giving your loved one options for how to accept your help might be beneficial, according to Elizabeth Pope, a contributor to Care.com. The options you give could include things like which tasks you’ll help out with, which days of the week you’ll come, or who is allowed to offer additional assistance.
If you have an elderly loved one who’s reluctant to accept your help, consider using the tips mentioned above to make your help more welcome.
Image Credits – Photo by Matthias Zomer from Pexels
source https://nrinews24x7.com/3-tips-for-caring-for-a-loved-one-whos-reluctant-to-accept-help/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=3-tips-for-caring-for-a-loved-one-whos-reluctant-to-accept-help
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