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    Monday, March 22, 2021

    Parents Support and Students Willingness for their career is vital for the decision to study abroad during the pandemic: Dr.Amit Kamle

     A.K.Educational Consultants Batch leaves for Russia

    This week, the current batch of A.K.Educational Consultants (AKEC) traveled to the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad Russia from Mumbai for continuing their medical studies.

    A.K.Educational Consultant is a pioneer for guidance for medical studies in Russian Federation for the past 20 years. To date, hundreds of doctors have successfully completed their education from Russia through AKEC and working successfully in India. AKEC is also guiding their students for NEXT preparation after their MBBS course in Russia.

    Says Dr.Amit Kamle, CMD, AKEC, “Due to the pandemic there is fear and anxiety amongst students and parents. But we have managed to continue the medical education uninterrupted even in the pandemic. We respect the decision of students who were willing to go back to Russia to continue their education from campus. We are also supporting those who chose to stay back at home and pursue their studies online.”

    Sonali Sardar, a 4th-year student at Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University said, “I am traveling willingly as my utmost dream is to become a good doctor and serve people in difficult times.”

    Pushkar Dane, a 3rd-year student at Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University said, “Correct guidance and time to time updates from A.K.Educational Consultants during the pandemic helped me during my semester”.

    Until sometime back, Indian students were going to study only in the State universities of the Russian Federation. Now, thanks to AK Educational Consultants, acceptance of Indian students in the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Russia’s West-European zone has increased as now students and parents know that world-class, global ranked universities are within a pocket-friendly budget. That’s the difference Kamle’s venture has made in the Indian educational sector.

    source https://nrinews24x7.com/parents-support-and-students-willingness-for-their-career-is-vital-for-the-decision-to-study-abroad-during-the-pandemic-dr-amit-kamle/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=parents-support-and-students-willingness-for-their-career-is-vital-for-the-decision-to-study-abroad-during-the-pandemic-dr-amit-kamle
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