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    Sunday, February 14, 2021

    The UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) Appoints Lived Experience Advisory Panel

    The UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) has pursued safety in gambling for several years. It has recently announced the Lived Experience Advisory Panel’s appointment to advance work in player safety further.

    According to the new appointment, the Lived Experience Advisory Pan is set to collaborate with the UKGC to advise many policy development initiatives. These initiatives include providing input to work to promote the Gambling Act Review.

    Neil McArthur, who works as the Chief Executive of the United Kingdom Gambling Commission, said that the establishment of the new group is a wonderful step forward for the UKGC in making the online gambling space safer and building the public’s understanding of gambling harm and its impacts. As already shown by the Interim Group’s contribution, the views and perspectives of Lived Experience in the decision of the UKGC making are invaluable. It is already having a useful impact on the regulatory body’s work in addressing harms related to gambling.

    The feedback of Lived Experience in the United Kingdom Gambling Commission’s policy work has noticeably led to huge progress via input to consultations on the design of games and customer interaction as well as affordability and strengthened rules related to online advertising.

    William Moyes, the Gambling Commission Chair, said in a statement regarding the new appointment that he welcomes the official announcement of the permanent Lived Experience Advisory Panel. Williams considers the new development as a positive step towards acquiring a better understanding of the harms caused by all forms of gambling. By working in collaboration with some people with lived experience, family, friends, and communities, the regulatory body can make faster progress to help reduce possible gambling harms.

    A spokesperson on behalf of the formed Lived Experience Advisory Panel said that the panel was pleased that the Gambling Commission has now recognized the value of listening to individuals who have been harmed by various gambling forms and welcome their genuine commitment to seeing that this can happen.

    The spokesperson added that the new group’s creation creates a real chance for the voice of people with lived experience to offer valuable support and influence the efforts and works of the United Kingdom Gambling Commission. The spokesperson says that they are a diverse group of individuals, and each person brings a wide range of skills and personal experience related to gambling harm. Emphasizing the group’s commitment to promoting the fight against gambling problems, the spokesperson says his team members take the new role very seriously. He is added that they look forward to working in synergy to make progress in dealing with gambling harm.

    This new collaboration is expected to help the United Kingdom Gambling Commission make the online casino space more accommodating and safer for users. Furthermore, gamblers who may be vulnerable to problems may be able to relate better with others who have dealt with similar issues in real life than they would relate to counsellors. 

    source https://nrinews24x7.com/the-uk-gambling-commission-ukgc-appoints-lived-experience-advisory-panel/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-uk-gambling-commission-ukgc-appoints-lived-experience-advisory-panel
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